Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Your Yellow Pages Advertising Contract... What The #@!# Did I Just Buy?

Youve signed on the dotted line! Youre now committed to make twelve, hefty monthly payments to your Yellow Pages publisher. So what exactly have you purchased? The chance to present your business to the community in the most favorable light possible? Are you going to try and brand an image for your company? Have you bought the right to tell the world that YOUR business is better than the rest? Perhaps you think the Yellow Pages are a great place to showcase your gorgeous new building or fleet of trucks or even a striking photo of YOU! Maybe youd like to reinforce your prospects buying decision and tell them why they really need your services.

If any of those all-too common goals or options sound good or have been suggested to you, youre already heading towards disappointing results. To be blunt, the sole objective of your Yellow Page ad is to generate new business. And, that business will materialize through phone calls. Therefore, getting the prospect to call YOU (rather than your competitors) is the ONLY objective of your Yellow Page ad.

When you purchase Yellow Page ad space, all youre buying is the potential to increase your business. Thats IT! Unlocking this potential is completely up to YOU. Dont expect your directory sales rep to lose any sleep over the effectiveness of your next Yellow Pages ad. Their sale is made, their work is done! And although the directory graphic artists will do their best to design a persuasive ad for you, how much time and thought can they devote to YOUR business, when they have 20 to 30 other Yellow Page ads to complete that same day? Once youve made the purchase, your Yellow Pages publisher will offer you just ONE assurance... Theyll guarantee that you receive an invoice in your mailbox every month.

So how can you make sure youll generate the greatest number of phone calls with that costly ad space youve bought? Here are a few crucial pointers to consider as you sit down to develop your next Yellow Page ad:

Laser target your message on your MOST IMPORTANT prospect, ignore all others. The greater the focus, the better response rate you will achieve.

Scrutinize your competitors ads (images, copy, target audience). Now carve a UNIQUE PLACE in the market by providing solutions to prospects wants and needs that have NOT been defined and filled by others.

Create a POWERFUL HEADLINE that differentiates you from the rest in a meaningful way. Run it big and run it bold at the top of your ad. Your headline must grab attention and also compel readers to keep reading.

Develop benefit-laden body copy that speaks directly to the FELT NEEDS of your prospects. Use the words you, you, you... not we, we, we! Remember, its ALL about them.

Use only ONE unique, dominating graphic element that grabs the eye and helps reinforce your headline concept. Too many images can easily clutter up your ad and dilute your message. Also, choose an unexpected image, not the boring clip-art typically found in most of your competitors ads.

Include a strong CALL-TO-ACTION near your phone number. Give them a reason to call and TELL THEM to call you.

Make no mistake! Every single element of your Yellow Page ad must work towards achieving your ONE objective. If something does not serve to inspire a phone call, it simply doesnt belong in your ad. That goes for potentially distracting email addresses, your Web site, zip code or any words and images that dont believably speak to your prospects needs, wants and desires. Every time you veer from your objective, your response rate will further diminish.

Youve committed to twelve months of Yellow Pages advertising. Make it a wise investment! Follow the tips above and youll be well on your way to stellar returns. If you need some help along the way, call me at 800-726-7006 and Ill be delighted to assist you.

John MoranaEssa Blog62814
Vernice Blog5185


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